A look Into Space |
Look into Space!
Wow the students this year have been so excited about our curriculum song Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! That I have decided to plan a little child directed exploration unit all about space! Week one in November we developed an understanding of different modes of transportation, what it means to transport something and explored many other free choice activities with new curriculum items place around the #YellowRoom. Week 2 we are looking more at our world, with many activities and lessons created around the book “Me on the Map.” This is always an exciting week as students really start to explore where they live, look at maps and develop a bigger understanding of how small our little town is compared to our state, our country and our world. Once the Map and globe become focal points we will begin to explore the many questions we have about Outer Space.
These are the questions we are going to look into! This was a mini lesson I did with the students Thursday, after recognizing all the excitement over the Space songs, books and toys in the classroom. Now, I want everyone to be aware, that explaining questions and getting actual questions instead of statements is and was a large part of the lesson before we got to the following list! Here they are direct quotes from the #YellowRoom students.
“Why does a rocket ship fly?”
“How are there different Moons?”
“What are the planet’s called?”
“Why do shooting starts fly really fast” &
“How do the planets move slowly?”
“How do Rocket ships do their motor?” (How do they go)
“Why does the solar system fly around the sun?”
“How do the planets not fall?”
Wow the students this year have been so excited about our curriculum song Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! That I have decided to plan a little child directed exploration unit all about space! Week one in November we developed an understanding of different modes of transportation, what it means to transport something and explored many other free choice activities with new curriculum items place around the #YellowRoom. Week 2 we are looking more at our world, with many activities and lessons created around the book “Me on the Map.” This is always an exciting week as students really start to explore where they live, look at maps and develop a bigger understanding of how small our little town is compared to our state, our country and our world. Once the Map and globe become focal points we will begin to explore the many questions we have about Outer Space.
These are the questions we are going to look into! This was a mini lesson I did with the students Thursday, after recognizing all the excitement over the Space songs, books and toys in the classroom. Now, I want everyone to be aware, that explaining questions and getting actual questions instead of statements is and was a large part of the lesson before we got to the following list! Here they are direct quotes from the #YellowRoom students.
“Why does a rocket ship fly?”
“How are there different Moons?”
“What are the planet’s called?”
“Why do shooting starts fly really fast” &
“How do the planets move slowly?”
“How do Rocket ships do their motor?” (How do they go)
“Why does the solar system fly around the sun?”
“How do the planets not fall?”